Friday, February 18, 2011

I {heart} Thrift

Thought I'd take a trip down memory lane, reminisce about some of the fabulous things I bought back in 2010 and gloat some. ;)

Not all are 'ultra bargins' as such, but just some of my favourite buys for the year

Drum roll please...


The most darling Pumpkin Patch Boots for my little cowgirl, only $7.50! Can't wait for winter, she'll look super duper cute!

Seriously, how cute it this little cane chair? Picked this up for $10. I still have plans for it, perhaps paint white and make a cushion - I'm undecided.

❀ Umm just what every play room needs - A traditional medieval German doll house!? Right? 

Later down the track I'll do a post dedicated to the work I have done on this dolls house, as it's in dire need of some TLC...

I have so many projects going at the same time! I've been slowly doing up the kids cubby house. I picked up this little wooden cooker up for $10. 

Turns out Miss. 19/12 was spoiled at Christmas when Granny and Grandad bought  a saucepan set and Aunty Nicky got her a little shopping basket filled with plastic play food which must be pretty convincing, because the first thing she spotted was the 'chocolate muffin' then she moved onto the 'crinkle cut chips'! LOL  
"nom nom nom nom"

Keeping with the theme of the cubby house, I also bought a old dresser for $40 to serve as a fancy kitchen. 

Artwork compliments of Master 9.
I had my wonderful and talented husband {note me sucking up} modify it for me by cutting the legs shorter, then jigsawing a hole in the top and I popped a stainless steel bowl in to serve as a sink, which you can't really see as bug-a-lugs is standing in the way. Exactly the same way I had it in their previous "cubby kitchen" that was destroyed by bad storms we had a couple of years ago. Still have more work to do to it, which I will get to at some stage in 2011. 

Can't forget the awesomeness of the $2 desk! I mean $2!!! Need I say anymore? {if I do, then please refer to $2 desk post smart-arse :P}

Nor can we forget the gorgeousness of the cane cradle that I picked up for $10.

Ms. 13 spotted these awesome cowboy boots that just happened to be the perfect size for her {and me! ;) }, then proceeded to beg and plead! Made in the USA with real McCoy snack skin... $10!!! Of course my inner cowgirl couldn't resist!

We come from a long-line of horsey girls! Ms. 13 has been having horse-riding lessons with Grandma Keddie for a couple of years now and doing so well! Explains her obsession with the boots! 
Ms.13 riding 'Mozzie' - This pic was taken at the start of 2010

I have bought other bargins but I'm saving a couple for another extra special post...

One thing I noticed while doing this post is, I do buy a lot of things for $10 - must be my lucky number?
Last but not least, I picked up this gorgeous and would most certainly be rare, corner cabinet. $30. 

This has a new home in our rumpus room, and we store all the game boards in it. I do plan on replacing the handle at some stage!

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