Not only did I get voted for once, I got voted forTWICE! THRICE!!! Wow really should check my mail!
{stumbles on stage to accept award}
Not only did I get voted for once, I got voted for
{stumbles on stage to accept award}
{acceptance speech}
[clears throat]
Ah, Crap. Umm, shit. I didn't even prepare a speech, I was totally not expecting this!
[takes gigantic swig of vodka]
Oh, wow. Such an honour! I'd like to thank God, [another swig] my Mum and Dad. [yet another] Myself, my kids, my beautiful Husband! [hiccups and gestures stage hand to fitch another drink] Probably none of which are even aware that I blog. Oh and especially those fabulous girls at Aussie Bum Mummy, Craft Crazed SuperMum and Because I Said So - Rachel.
Ah, Crap. Umm, shit. I didn't even prepare a speech, I was totally not expecting this!
[takes gigantic swig of vodka]
Oh, wow. Such an honour! I'd like to thank God, [another swig] my Mum and Dad. [yet another] Myself, my kids, my beautiful Husband! [hiccups and gestures stage hand to fitch another drink] Probably none of which are even aware that I blog. Oh and especially those fabulous girls at Aussie Bum Mummy, Craft Crazed SuperMum and Because I Said So - Rachel.
You know! [waves martini glass around wildly] there are some really interesting facts about me, that a lot of my readers wouldn't know. [pauses] I can't actually remember any of the interesting ones at the moment, but I can tell you some other stuff instead...
Did you know, that I only have a year 8 education? Explains a lot, doesn't it? I hate pizza, loath it in fact! I actually have this awesome pizza story, involving me, pizza, and lots of vomiting! [looks slightly queasy whilst reminiscing]
I believe no Guinea Pigs should be domesticated, the poor buggers look like they're going to have a heart attack when ever a human being comes within a 5km radius! I was a street-kid and spent a good part of my delinquent years getting into trouble with the law.
I love horses and I always wanted a pony [mumbles "still do"]. I was 10 - 11 years old when I sewed my first project, on my own. It was a this hideous culotte and vest set I made for my 5 year old cousin's birthday. O.M.G the fabric was revolting!
[spills vodka all over the podium, with a glazed over look in her eye possibly from trauma caused by the ugly material]
Mind you, my little cousin thought the outfit was THE. BEST. EVER. and insisted on wearing it to her party. I used to attend "Fame" dancing talent agency, or whatever it's called - needless to say I made a FABULOUS tree in ALL productions, even ones that didn't require trees. Amazing talent. There is also this one time... [security escorts crafty girl from stage]
Did you know, that I only have a year 8 education? Explains a lot, doesn't it? I hate pizza, loath it in fact! I actually have this awesome pizza story, involving me, pizza, and lots of vomiting! [looks slightly queasy whilst reminiscing]
I believe no Guinea Pigs should be domesticated, the poor buggers look like they're going to have a heart attack when ever a human being comes within a 5km radius! I was a street-kid and spent a good part of my delinquent years getting into trouble with the law.
I love horses and I always wanted a pony [mumbles "still do"]. I was 10 - 11 years old when I sewed my first project, on my own. It was a this hideous culotte and vest set I made for my 5 year old cousin's birthday. O.M.G the fabric was revolting!
[spills vodka all over the podium, with a glazed over look in her eye possibly from trauma caused by the ugly material]
Mind you, my little cousin thought the outfit was THE. BEST. EVER. and insisted on wearing it to her party. I used to attend "Fame" dancing talent agency, or whatever it's called - needless to say I made a FABULOUS tree in ALL productions, even ones that didn't require trees. Amazing talent. There is also this one time... [security escorts crafty girl from stage]
Ok, so you're on to me. The Versatile Blogger Award looks nothing like a Logie, it actually looks like this...
Despite it's deceptive appearance, this harmless looking button actually comes with some pretty intense responsibility.
1. Say a big "Thank You!" to the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
[seriously, could it have taken me any longer to get around to doing this!?! I'm hoping the fact Brisbane flooded and I was volunteering is a valid excuse?]
[seriously, could it have taken me any longer to get around to doing this!?! I'm hoping the fact Brisbane flooded and I was volunteering is a valid excuse?]
2. Tell us seven things about yourself.
[very eloquent and oh so subtle in my speech.]
3. Award seven recently discovered new/great bloggers.
"and the awards go to..."
{4} Crap Mamma
{7} Big Words Blog
4. Contact award winning bloggers and announce to them know they’ve received the award!!
[Will do so, once I've posted this]
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